Fresh Produce Options

Baily Fresh Produce
At Baily International of Atlanta, we are dedicated to providing our customers with the freshest and highest quality produce available. Our team works hard to source the best fruits and vegetables from local farms and suppliers, ensuring that every bite is bursting with flavor and nutrition.

Fresh Produce

At Baily International of Atlanta, we are dedicated to providing our customers with the freshest and highest quality produce available. Our team works hard to source the best fruits and vegetables from local farms and suppliers, ensuring that every bite is bursting with flavor and nutrition.
Baily Fresh Produce

Downloadable Product Guide

Looking for high-quality fresh produce for your restaurant or bar? Look no further than Baily’s International! Download our product list today to see our extensive selection of fresh and frozen seafood options, including broccoli, celery, onions and more. Become a customer today to place an order or learn more about our products and services.

Downloadable Product Guide

Looking for high-quality fresh produce for your restaurant or bar? Look no further than Baily’s International! Download our product list today to see our extensive selection of fresh and frozen seafood options, including broccoli, celery, onions and more. Become a customer today to place an order or learn more about our products and services.


  300010無頸芥蘭隔天不可退BROCCOLI CROWN
  300020大白菜 (紙箱)隔天不可退NAPA
  300060包心菜 (袋)隔天不可退CABBAGE
  300065*箱* 包心菜 (嫩)隔天不可退SOFT CABBAGE
  300080洋蔥JUMBO ONION
  300090雪豆-*請當場驗貨, 隔天不可以退。SNOW PEA
  300100新鮮蘑菇請當場驗貨。FRESH MUSHROOM
  300120四季豆-*請當場驗貨, 隔天不可以退。SNAP BEAN
  300140芽菜BEAN SPROUT
  300160青蔥-請當場驗貨, 隔天不可退GREEN ONION
  300180甜豆*請當場驗貨, 隔天不可退SUGAR SNAP
  300240蕃茄請當場驗貨, 隔天不可退TOMATO
  300260紅洋蔥RED ONION
  300280生薑(箱)GINGER (CASE)
  300290(箱) 去皮大蒜PEELED GARLIC (CASE)
  300292去皮大蒜PEELED GARLIC (5# BAG)
  300350黃瓜*請當場驗貨, 隔天不可退CUCUMBER
  302050蕃薯SWEET POTATO
  302060紅馬鈴薯RED POTATO
  310060大芥菜(箱)請驗貨隔天不可退GAI CHOY
  310070中國芥蘭(箱)請驗貨隔天不可退GAI LOHN
  310110上海白菜(箱)請驗貨隔天不可退SHANGHAI BABY BOK CHOY
  310130雪裡紅(箱)請驗貨隔天不可退SHER LI HON
  310170油菜 (箱)請驗貨隔天不可退YU CHOY
  310172油菜心 (箱)請驗貨隔天不可退YU CHOY SUM
  310190白蘿蔔(箱)請驗貨隔天不可退TURNIP (LO BOK)
  320180青檸檬FRESH LIME
  320190檸檬LEMON (140CT-200CT)
  300230小’箱 墨西哥小辣椒JALAPENO
  300040青椒請當場驗貨, 隔天不可退BELL PEPPER

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